In spite you have stock 0, you have the CCS at standard and actual in this table and the tcode (you can swith with a matchcode) In table CKMLPRKEPH you have one record for S and 2 records for V, one represent the 'level' and the other the lower level, i guess because this data...
When I extracted the table - CKMLPRKEPH, the "Cost Field" fields are generic and do not show the actual name of the cost component. However, would it be correct for me to assume for example - KST001 refers to the first row i.e. 10 - Raw Materials? ckmlprkeph.jpg ...
Hi! I always think, that cost components within table CKMLPRKEPH are assigned to fields KST0XX according to KST001 - CostComponent 01 (total cost), KST002 - CostComponent 01 (fixed cost), KST003 - CostComponent 02 (total cost), KST004 - CostComponent 02 (fixed cost) etc. But today,...