// Protect content of textareas. (https://dev.ckeditor.com/ticket/9995) // Do this before protecting attributes to avoid breaking: // <textarea><img src="..." /></textarea> data = protectElements( data, protectTextareaRegex ); // Before anything, we must protect the URL attributes...
$editor_data = $_POST[ 'content' ]; ?> 请注意,在提交之前,CKEditor会自动更新替换后的<textarea>元素。 如果需要使用JavaScript以编程方式访问<textarea>值(例如,在onsubmit处理程序中验证输入的数据),<textarea>元素仍有可能存储原始数据。 要更新替换的<textarea>的值,请使用editor.updateSourceElement()方...
CKEDITOR.instances.TextArea1.setData(data.content);//为编辑器赋值(不带HTML) 一、使用方法: 1、在页面<head>中引入ckeditor核心文件ckeditor.js <script type="text/javascript" src="ckeditor/ckeditor.js"></script> 2、在使用编辑器的地方插入HTML控件<textarea> <textarea id="TextArea1" cols="20...
CKEDITOR.replace("content"); //--> </script> 可以看出,3.x 版本的使用非常方便,也不用担心会形成两个同名的 content。实际上 textarea 的 id 省略了也是可以的,因为 CKEditor 会先按 name 来查找,查找不到,再按 id 来查找。 并且编辑器会在 textarea 的位置替换原有的 textarea。 设 置编辑器皮肤...
<textarea cols="80" id="editor1" name="editor1" rows="10"></textarea> <script type="text/javascript"> CKEDITOR.replace( 'editor1' ); </script> 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 这样,一个编辑器就基本可以使用了。 4. 配置属于自己的编辑器,配置Config.js文件(官方给出配置的几种方法,...
</textarea> <script> // 用CKEditor替换<textarea id="editor1"> // 使用默认配置 CKEDITOR.replace('editor1'); </script> </form> </body> </html> 因为CKeditor足够优秀,所以第二步也可只为<textarea>追加名为ckeditor的class属性值,CKeditor就会自动将其替换。例如: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> ...
<textarea name="content" id="editor"> <p>This is some sample content.</p> </textarea> window.onload =function(){CKEDITOR.replace('editor');}; 3、引入config.js文件 <script src="../../../static/js/ckeditor/config.js"></script> ...
Saving Data in CKEditor 4 Replacing a Textarea Observing Changes in CKEditor 4 The Save Plugin Getting and Saving Data Demos CKEditor 4 helps you create content but it is the role of your website or application to deal with the data created in this way. Saving data is a server-side op...
The dialogs finally come to the CKEditor 5 UI! Some users found using the [find and replace](https://ckeditor.com/docs/ckeditor5/latest/features/find-and-replace.html) feature through a dropdown inconvenient as it might have covered the content, including the searched text. We listene...
Most importantly, though, you can view and copy the exact source code of each editor demo in theGet Sample Source Codesection at the bottom of the sample pages. This code uses theCKEditor CDN, so you can save it and run locally without the need to download CKEditor 4 itself!