After selecting an image you can draw over it the active areas that you want to link in that image, and you can use rectangles, circles or free form drawing. It generates the standard HTML codes like <map>, and <area>, there's no special requirement to use this kind of effects. ...
进入,根据这五个步骤即可自定义构建CKEditor 5 二.CKEditor 5文件详解 translations:打包后的语言包 ckeditor.js、配置,里面包含css样式,无论是编辑器页面还是显示内容页面都需要引入(之前显示内容时图片不自适应就是没有引入该文件) editor.js...
第一步:在初始化ckeditor是配置filebrowserImageUploadUrl 属性,属性对应的值就是图片上传的后台连接; //初始换编辑器 var editor = CKEDITOR.replace('editor', { filebrowserImageUploadUrl :"/picture/editor/upload/1", removePlugins:'elementspath,resize', codeSnippet_theme: 'zenburn', height:'600' })...
进入,根据这五个步骤即可自定义构建CKEditor 5 二.CKEditor 5文件详解 translations:打包后的语言包 ckeditor.js、配置,里面包含css样式,无论是编辑器页面还是显示内容页面都需要引入(之前显示内容时图片不自适应就是没有引入该文件) editor.js...
⼀.⾃定义并构建CKEditor 5 ⼆.CKEditor 5⽂件详解 1. translations:打包后的语⾔包 2. ckeditor.js、配置,⾥⾯包含css样式,⽆论是编辑器页⾯还是显⽰内容页⾯都需要引⼊(之前显⽰内容时图⽚不⾃ 适应就是没有引⼊该⽂件)3. editor.js:进⾏功能...
PluginsMap PluginEntry typings HexColor NonEmptyArray PartialBy document-outline documentoutline documentoutlineui DocumentOutlineUI DocumentOutline DocumentOutlineConfig legacyerrors tableofcontents tableofcontentscommand TableOfContentsCommand TableOfContents easy-image cloudservicesupload... = 'data:image/' + img[3] + ';base64,' + base64; } } result = JSON.stringify(result); if(typeof query.callback == 'string'){ result = query.callback + '(' + result + ')'; } res.end(result); } },
* **[engine](**: Added the special `expand` option to the `StylesMap.getStyleNames()` and view `Element.getStyleNames()` methods allowing to expand shorthand style properties. ([commit](
* **[engine](**: The `Differ` change entries for `insert` and `remove` types are extended with a map of attributes that were set while inserting an element or that belonged to an element that got removed. ([commit](https://...
与Easy Image集成后,上传,调整大小和生成不同图像大小以实现响应式设计都是自动化的。 ? 简单链接没有了复杂的链接对话框。...自动格式化键入列表,标题甚至粗体文本,无需使用工具栏按钮。 有关详细信息,请参阅自动格式化功能。增强的经典编辑器对于CKEditor 5,我