physiological/laboratory characteristics, medical history/comorbidities (by ICD-10CN2016 codes, Supplementary Table S3) and medication prescriptions (by anatomical therapeutic chemical [ATC] code, Supplementary Table S4), and analysed if there were any patient factors associated with undiagnosed stage 3 ...
CKD stage was determined using eGFRs according to Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes criteria. Dialysis and transplant recipients were identified by the presence of indicative ICD-10 or Current Procedural Terminology codes (Tables S2-S5). Diabetes, hypertension, depression, and HIV-positive ...
13、 CKDOverall : 9.7% Stage 3: 8.0% Stage 4: 25% Stage 5: 71.4% rate for CKDCumulative % for stage 3 CKD in different serum Cr levelSerum Cr level 10 % at Cr=1.6 mg/dL33.3 %为何我们浑然不知CKD这么多?低认知率,Low awareness一体...
Records Database: Rates of Diagnosis and Antihyperglycemic Medication Dose Adjustment Juli . Meyers, MA1 Sean D. Candrilli, PhD2 Objective: To assess rates of diagnosis and antihyperglycemic dose adjustment in patients with Birgit Kovacs, MD3 moderate to end-stage renal impairment (RI) and type ...
Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is not only a precursor of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) but also a strong risk factor for various adverse outcomes such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) and dementia1,2,3. It is estimated that 10 to 12% (over 10 million people) of Japanese adults have CKD...
CVD死亡 微量白蛋白尿与CVD及NON-CVD死亡的关系 Level of Kidney Function Is an Independent Risk Factor For CV Risk N=15,350 Mean follow-up=6.2 years Age -45-64 Stage of Kidney Disease N Stage 2 (GFR-60-89) 7,665 Stage 3 4 (GFR-15-59) 444 1.0 1.25 1.75 1.5 2.0 1.38 1.16 ...
We found seven OTUs in the stool samples of T2DM-CKD patients, which were previously found associated with Chronic Kidney Disease/End Stage Renal Disease (CKD/ESRD) [10]. The difference in the incidence of detected OTUs in the stool samples of T2DM-CKD and healthy subjects' samples was ...