排除了急性肾衰的可能后,就开始按照CKD进行治疗。 IRIS CKD staging guidelines 在确诊后回过头来看,其实她早就有了肾病的症状——尿团很大。她的尿团一直比屁屁的大很多,但除此以外,看上去完全健康,也没有其他症状,所以我们在此之前从来没想过这可能并不完全是个体差异,而可能是疾病的信号。 CKD的症状 多饮多...
IRIS - Staging of CKD modified 2019 Feeding Your Cat: Know the Basics of Feline Nutrition Tanya's Comprehensive Guide to Feline Chronic Kidney Disease Feline Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats Chronic Kidney Disease in Cats Survival in Cats with Naturally Occurring Chronic Kidney Disease WHAT DO YOU F...
除此之外,病患的状态快速地变化以及状态的严峻都意味这可以使用IRIS AKI分级系统,属于肾前性(或者容量反应性AKI)与肾后性氮质血症的患者需要仔细区别,以便对其进行合适的连续检测以及治疗,目的为尽量在动物肾脏收到急性损伤的情况下对其...
2. KuKanich K, George C, Roush JK, Sharp S, Farace G, Yerramilli M, Peterson S, Grauer GF. Effects of low-dose meloxicam in cats with chronic kidney disease. J Feline Med Surg. 2021 Feb;23(2):138-148. 3. Brown SA. Linking treatment to staging in chronic kidney disease. In: Au...
The degree of tubular degeneration, interstitial inflammation, fibrosis, glomerulosclerosis correlates, as maybe anticipated, with International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) staging (McLeland et al., 2014) and the severity of lesions identified in IRIS stage 3 and 4 supports that, in order to ...