The CKD-EPI equation takes into account various factors such as age, sex, race, and serum creatinine levels to estimate the GFR. The formula is as follows: GFR = 141 x min(Scr/κ, 1)^α x max(Scr/κ, 1)^-1.209 x 0.993^Age x 1.018 (if female) x 1.159 (if black)。 Where: ...
研究发现用CKD-EPI方程估算GFR能更有效的关注重要因素,从而改善对患者未来风险和肾病治疗的评估。 美国有超过92%的实验室在使用1999年提出的MDRD研究方程计算GFR。这项检测每年实施超过3亿,通过病人的年龄、性别、种族和血清中肌酐serum creatinine水平来计算GFR,是一种衡量血液中产生的分子垃圾的方法。CKD-EPI方程也与...
肌酸酐清除率(Creatinine clearance rate、CCr 或CrCl)是指血浆中的单位时间内肌酸酐的清除功能比率,亦是近似GFR的一个有用的量度。此外由于肌酸酐的分泌所造成的肌酸酐清除率超过GFR,而肌酸酐的分泌可被西咪替丁所阻断。另一方面,旧式的血清肌酸酐方法之过度估计导致了低估肌酸酐清除率,因而提供了GFR的较低的偏差... A【bstract】 0bjective TocomparethepredictingeffectsofMDRDandCKD—EPIformulaeforthe calculationofglomerularfiltrationrate(GFR)inpatientswithchronickidneydisease(CKD).Methods Clinical datafrom 136patientswithCKDinChengducitywerecollectedofrthedetectionofserumcreatinine(Scr)leveland renal...
Key words: CKD-EPI formula;membranous nephropathy;glomerular filtration rate;consistency evaluation 膜性肾病(Membranous Nephropathy,MN)是引 肾小球硬化、肾小管间质病变和血管病变等肾脏病 起成年人肾病综合征的常见原因,约占原发性肾病 理改变的严重程度。 但GFR不能直接测得,只能通 [1] 综合征的20% ~30...
(creatinine clearance rate,Ccr),中国改良的简化肾脏病饮食改良研究公式(themodificationofdietinrenaldiseaseequation,MDRD),CKD-EPI肌酐公式(CKD-EPI creatinine formula,eGFRscr),CKD-EPI胱抑素C公式(CKD-EPI cystatin C formula,eGFRcysc)和CKD-EPI肌酐-胱抑素C公式(CKD-EPI creatinine-cystatin C formula,eGFR...
serum creatinine(Cr) and CysC levels and 99 mTc‐DTPA renal dynamic imaging were collected with GFR detected by using the 99 mTc‐DTPA renal dynamic imaging as the GFR gold standard .GFR was respectively as EPIScr ,EPICysC and EPIScr‐CysC by the three kinds of CKD‐EPI formula .The ...
serum creatinine(Cr) and CysC levels and 99 mTc‐DTPA renal dynamic imaging were collected with GFR detected by using the 99 mTc‐DTPA renal dynamic imaging as the GFR gold standard .GFR was respectively as EPIScr ,EPICysC and EPIScr‐CysC by the three kinds of CKD‐EPI formula .The ...
CKD-EPI equation for serum creatinineCristian Pattaro