Coded CKD was defined by ICD-10 code (Table S1). Any CKD was defined by presence of an ICD-10 code for CKD and/or laboratory markers of CKD, as defined by the NIDDK CKD e-phenotype.14 The e-phenotype defines CKD as 2 consecutive laboratory results indicative of CKD (including eGFR <...
ckd患者的cvd及高血压_李学旺.ppt,* ASCOT研究证实,61%入选患者伴有微量蛋白尿。氨氯地平+ 培哚普利联用与阿替洛尔+苄氟噻嗪相比,在第五年时降低新发肾损害危险达15%。 * 在2008年ACC上公布的ACCOMPLISH研究中,第30个月平均血压测定结果表明,氨氯地平与贝那普利联合优于
6ES7195-0BE12-0XA0SIMATICDPASICDPC3STEPC960PZ RSSA17EMT11 权限钥匙开关 5871PAL-1/8-1/4-3 3072063QS30RRXQPMA 更新时间:2015-09-15 17:16:19 norgren 160226848 700-RTC20110U1Solid State Timing Relay A9XMSB11Acti 9 Smartlink con 11 Ti24 e modb. BFI fx2205s-22r 53 1041 1020 GV2ME05INT...