Continental Kennel Club (CKC) has been empowering dog breeders, educating owners, and enhancing breeds since 1991.
Continental Kennel Club (CKC) has been empowering dog breeders, educating owners, and enhancing breeds since 1991.
Continental Kennel Club (CKC) has been empowering dog breeders, educating owners, and enhancing breeds since 1991.
dam's CKC registration certificates, along with the Canine Registration Application. 2. As proof of ownership, please submit a bill of sale or Certification of Ownership Form, which you may downloadHERE. DOCUMENTS & INSTRUCTIONS 1. Check to see that the parents of your dog are ...
PLEASE NOTE:For documentation from any organization listed below to be considered as a proper form of breed verification by CKC, both the dog (being submitted for registration) and its parentsMUSTbe registered with that organization. CKC willNOTaccept documents that do not verify the registration ...
Microchips, DNA, photo registration, and tattoos are all acceptable forms of identification. Breed dogs that are in good health, temperamentally sound, and free from genetic faults. Obtain a signed stud dog contract prior to breeding. The stud contract should, at minimum, designate the number ...