Duchy Building without Duchy Titles(主要功能:无公国头衔使用公国建筑) No Morphing and Makeup by Beauty Traits(主要功能:美貌特质不影响骨架)(初版美貌特质不影响骨架,后来从某个版本开始美貌特质会影响骨架了。1.13版本开始,美貌特质不变骨架,仅影响肤质,丑陋特质会歪曲五官。这个mod似乎也没必要了。) No Cost ...
Can enact the House Seniority Law and at any Crown Authority The Table of Princes is the royal seat of Bohemian rulers, with the one sitting at the table being recognized as the rightful ruler. Under the code of house seniority, titles were given to the eldest living member of the ruling...
The Court Chaplain gains the Papacy, County of Rome, Duchy of Latinum and Duchy of Spoleto titles Catholicism faith gains the Ecumenism doctrine None Adult Independent Title rank is king or emperor Catholicism faith 3000 Piety Own the County of Roma title Control Ancora, Latinum, Romagna and ...
- Duchy buildings and similar that give fort level now only give it to holdings that have fort level to begin with; no more having to siege down temples and such- 公爵领建筑现在只会给本来就有要塞等级的地产提高要塞等级;不用再去艰难地围攻一个教堂了。- Eastern Christian denominations now wear...
Significantly toned down the likelihood AI will take the decisions to Collaborate with Pirates to reduce the amount of Pirate Den buildings that go around Hafsa al-Rukuniyya will no longer be seduced or romanced by AI (unless she resolves her grief through the Recovery path) ...
How do you create a custom Kingdom in ck3? General. You needthree duchy titles or a realm size of 35to create a custom kingdom. The titles may be titular. To create a de jure kingdom, you only need two duchy titles, but you also need 200 piety and 51% of the de jure land, ...
The only lands your primary heir is guaranteed to keep (short of murdering all of their siblings, which is also a valid playstyle) are your primary Empire, Kingdom, Duchy, and County titles—one of each. So it doesn’t make sense to invest in anything else until you’re sure you’re...
on the other hand, are all about opinion. Vassals who personally dislike their liege while still feeling like they belong to their liege's realm will favor this type of Faction. Of course, Claimant Factions are also an area where opportunisticvassalscan push to acquire titles for themselves or...
We must follow our own hearts to discover what their plan for us is. Spiritual −500 Piety when declaring war against own head of faith The head of faith title is given to a prominent clergy member The head of faith can grant gold and pressed claims on landed titles 600 if None 300...
All held duchy titles becoming de jure part of the created title 300 Gold 500 Prestige 200 Piety Adult Independent At peace Title rank is duke 30 Realm size or at least 3 duchy titles Level of Fame is at least Illustrious Custom Kingdoms are enabled in game rules Found a New Empire 展开...