Also feel free to use my work in your mods - all I ask is that I am credited and (if possible) to give me a heads up. Manual Installation Steps DO NOT manually download the master branch unless you know what you're doing as it is a WIP version and not necessarily stable!
Q: I do not see the converted mod in the launcher. A: Click "Manage Mods" and then look for "Add More Mods" button in the lower right corner. Q: I loaded my mod, but nothing changed. What's wrong? A: Is the mod enabled in the launcher? If so, then EU4 refused to load ...
It is not official, but it produces as accurate conversion as possible. Q: I have an ironman save. Can it be converted? A: Yes. Q: What about mods? A: Unless they change how cultures, religions or flags work, sure, use mods. Total map overhauls are not supported (of course),...
CK3 mods: From tweaks to total conversions Helpfully, Crusader Kings 3 slaps your character with Stress if you pick decisions that go against their character traits. Greedy characters don’t like giving to charity. Brave characters don’t like backing down from a challenge. Don’t get too hung...
A regional and cultural flavor mod for Crusader Kings 3, and the successor to Cybrxkhan's Immersion Pack mods for CK2. - RICE-for-CK3/Steam_description.txt at master · Kako38/RICE-for-CK3
Q: I do not see the converted mod in the launcher. A: Click "Manage Mods" and then look for "Add More Mods" button in the lower right corner. Q: I loaded my mod, but nothing changed. What's wrong? A: Is the mod enabled in the launcher? If so, then EU4 refused to load ...
As changelog is too big to list here, please see change notes here: [LIST] [*]Added new Al-Fir Citadel building for mods with earlier start dates (like TFE), that will becomes ruins via event in the course of the ...
Q: What about mods? A: Unless they change how cultures, religions or flags work, sure, use mods. Total map overhauls are not supported (of course), and whatever new cultures and religions are brought by the mod - you'll have to add manually in the files in configurables folder. ...