王国风云3 剧本MO..Additional start dates and cultures 更多的开局时间和文化这个MOD在原版的两个剧本基础上,又新增了5个历史剧本,第一个剧本是公元936年,推荐人物有神奥托大帝,威塞
2.如果Additional start dates and cultures和衣服mod冲突导致部分角色缺衣服的话 可以把该mod放到衣服mod前面 3.还是Additional start dates and cultures 现在我加了这个mod以后不管选原版剧本还是mod剧本游戏都会变卡 四速五速大概和正常二速差不多 挺遗憾的 本来试了半天解决了衣服之类的兼容问题正准备开个阿一档...
NOTE: If you are re-installing a mod manually, delete the old version of the mod first before copy and pasting the new one! It's a good habit to do to prevent potential issues. Latest Changelog 1.8.4 "Al-Biruni" Added new Al-Fir Citadel building for mods with earlier start dates (...
1127 十字军之王吧 Herograndpa 加载了几个mod后游戏老是崩溃,有啥解决方案啊加载了additional start dates and cultures,cfp和epe,还有历史入侵等几个小mod。进游戏开局玩大概每个一个小时会崩溃,玩了八十多年后隔几分钟就闪退一次,实在受不了,想问一下有没有什么缓解的方案(电脑16G内存是不是不太够用啊) 分...
Additional start dates and cultures添加了CK2的几个剧本,并且添加了部分有趣的机制,比如拜占庭地区拉丁帝国、保加利亚第二帝国、尼西亚王国的斗争系统和特殊决议。(附:相比较与历史入侵MOD个人觉得还是有点不好的地方,历史入侵Mod的第四次十字军东征,会直接销毁拜占庭帝国法理,创建尼西亚帝国和拉丁帝国,该MOD里并没有...
If modding titles, it is advised to adjust the living dates to those of the assigned holder. For example if an newly added character is assigned as Count of Lyon his death should be identical to the date when a successor takes over the title. If forgotten the mod will keep working, but...