If you can consolidate the power in the realm, the Kingdom of Sicily awaits its ruler! Richard Drengot, Duke of Capua: The Hautevilles may be the strongest power in Southern Italy, but you were there first. Historically, the Drengot family came from Normandy and became the first landed ...
If you can consolidate the power in the realm, the Kingdom of Sicily awaits its ruler!" Difficulty: Medium Iberia in Pieces '"When the old king Ferdinand I passed away his three sons all inherited a piece of his Iberian kingdom. Greed, ambition, and holy wars soon push the Iberian ...
If you can consolidate the power in the realm, the Kingdom of Sicily awaits its ruler!" Difficulty: Medium Robert "the Fox" is the Duke of Apulia. Age 51 Catholic Norman 4 9 6 6 Personality: Arbitrary, Greedy, Ambitious Education: Brilliant Strategist Other traits: Robust Iberia in ...
Own the Kingdom of Naples, Kingdom of Sicily or Kingdom of Trinacria title Control Duchy of Capua or Duchy of Sicily Realm capital is in the Duchy of Capua or Duchy of Sicily Autonomous Vassals Law Inspire Opus Francigenum 展开 Gain the next level of Crown Authority Law Capitals of th...
For example: You have the Feudal kingdom-tier title of Sicily, and want to become a Clan. You make sure that your son and heir inherits the Clan kindom-tier title of Valencia, before inheriting your title of Sicily. He will then become a Clan. Once he inherits your titles, they will...
CornwallDevonCornwall; possibly Wessex, HwicceBritannia2-10Restore the Kingdom of CornwalldecisionBrythonic culture groupk_cornwall DanelawNorth RidingEssex, Mercia, York, Wessex, Hwicce, Lancaster, East Anglia, Kent, Northumbria, CornwallBritannia40Restore the Danelawdecisionk_danelaw ...
If all of the region of Sicily is not inside the ruler's realm, Kingdom of Sicily will be replaced by the kingdoms of Naples and Trinactria; choice of the realm capital determines the kingdom title that replaces Sicily as the held title. 1500 Gold Adult Independent At peace Feudal gov...
As majestic as it is impenetrable, it is the greatest of all castles in the kingdom of castles — Castille. Convertible historical buildings[编辑 | 编辑源代码] The following historical buildings can only be used by Faiths belonging to one of the Abrahamic religions who's faith considers the ...
Own the Kingdom of Naples, Kingdom of Sicily or Kingdom of Trinacria title Control Duchy of Capua or Duchy of Sicily Realm capital is in the Duchy of Capua or Duchy of Sicily Autonomous Vassals Law Establish Norman Culture Change culture to Norman Norse and French culture characters in th...
Cordoba Always constructed Islamic Religion, Christian Religion or Holy Site The Great Mosque of Cordoba was erected after the Islamic Conquest of the Visigothic Kingdom, upon the foundation of a Christian church. Originally the site was shared, with both Muslims and Christians using it, but the ...