The base game is required for any and all DLC relating to the game. While cosmetic/music DLCs can be used with any game version, content DLCs can't be used prior to the version they were released with. Title and Quick description 加载视频 YouTube YouTube可能会收集个人数据。 隐私政策 ...
Available only with the Roads to Power DLC enabled. Officers are available to adventurer character as opposed to regular court positions. They do not have any salary and with the exception of the Stooge every position gives the follower +0.5 Monthly Prestige. Almost all positions require a cert...
Download af dette produkt er underlagt PlayStation Network Ydelsesbetingelser og vores Brugeraftale for software samt eventuelle specifikke tillægsbetingelser, der gælder for dette produkt. Hvis du ikke kan acceptere disse betingelser, skal du undlade at downloade produktet. Se Ydelse...
In the Northern Lords pack, players will experience the Viking life of roaming adventurers, new character traits and exciting events that will challenge all who wish to dine at Odin’s table.Features of Crusader Kings III: Northern Lords include:• Norse Adventurer Realms: Norse characters may ...
Baldur's Gate 3 €69.99+ Baldur's Gate 3 - Digital Deluxe Edition DLC €9.99Description "Abducted, infected, lost. You are turning into a monster, but as the corruption inside you grows, so does your power. Forge a tale of fellowship and betrayal, sacrifice and survival, and the lure ...
Available only with theRoads to PowerDLC enabled. Administrative governments have access to the Imperial Bureaucracy law, which can be increased after researching the required innovation. It has a starting cost of 100Prestige. If both a liege and a vassal have Administrative authority the vassal wil...
Royal Court DLC Dynasty has "Side-by-Side" Customs legacy All other cultures have 75 cultural acceptance with realm's culture 10 years Borrow Gold from Holy Order Gain scaled Gold The holy order will make demands if the loan is not repaid If the character dies the loan is inherited 50...
In the Northern Lords pack, players will experience the Viking life of roaming adventurers, new character traits and exciting events that will challenge all who wish to dine at Odin’s table.Features of Crusader Kings III: Northern Lords include:• Norse Adventurer Realms: Norse characters may ...
• New Events: Dynamic historical events, some related to the struggle for Iberia, and others adding greater variety for all players.• New Art: New character art reflecting Iberian cultures of the medieval era, new unit designs and a host of new art for backgrounds, events and loading....
All characters will be considered Involved, Interloper or Uninvolved in a struggle, which determines how much they can influence it and how much they can be influenced by it. The Iberian Struggle Available only with the Legends of the Dead DLC enabled. Ending a struggle will give a Heroic...