With the Royal Court DLC, sufficiently high Lodging Standards make it possible to overcome the base reluctance. If a guest with claims is about to leave, the liege will be given the option to convince the guest to stay for one year. Court positions[编辑 | 编辑源代码] Court positions ...
(A free DLC[2]) Released on 2020-09-01. Immerse yourself in the Holy Roman Empire with a collection of outfits for commoners, warriors and rulers of Central Europe. Fashion of the Abbasid Court (Part of Crusader Kings III: Chapter I) Paradox Steam Released on 2020-09-01. Grant you...
Available only with theRoads to PowerDLC enabled. Administrative governments have access to the Imperial Bureaucracy law, which can be increased after researching the required innovation. It has a starting cost of 100Prestige. If both a liege and a vassal have Administrative authority the vassal wil...
"Golden Age Science: Starry-eyed Surgeon" - can receive a free physician, chance of teaching child Physician lifestyle trait "Golden Age Science: Conflicting Natures" - resolve a dispute between Jewish scholars 675 Gold Fate of Iberia DLC Independent Iberian Struggle is in Concillation phase Inv...
! Checksum ! Notes ! Notes |- |- | | 第17行:第198行: |3579 |3579 |Hotfix |Hotfix |- |- | | 第22行:第204行: |7473 |7473 |Hotfix |Hotfix |- |- |1.6.1 |1.6.1 第27行:第210行: |e03d ...
If the Northern Lords DLC is installed dynasties whose Dynasty Head belongs to a culture with North Germanic heritage have two additional legacy trees available. Once its first Legacy of a tree has been unlocked its tree will remain available regardless of the Dynasty Head's culture. Tree Legac...
Once a character reaches the age of 25, they have a 7.5% chance to lose−0.125health each year. The chance increases by 2.2% each year. Once a character reaches the age of 45, they have a 10% chance to lose 1prowess each year. The chance increases by 1.5% each year. A dynasty ...
Northern Lords DLC Dharmic Pacifism tenet Pacifism tenet Human Sacrifice tenet Sacrificial Ceremonies tenet We are all born in blood. We survive by the blood of our livestock, our family, our foes. It is only natural that the gods demand their fair share. Syncretism All faiths can pick a Syn...