But right now here is what you will be greeted by now if you enter the customization window for the Holy Roman Empire:大家好啊,欢迎来看第71期CK3开发日志!我是马修,CK3的程序员之一,今天我要和大家谈谈即将到来的1.5补丁中的一个免费功能:你们都想要的纹章编辑器!(楼主吐槽:一年前就该有的玩意才...
Restore the Roman Empire There are three separate decisions named Restore the Roman Empire, allowing the taker to form the Roman Empire title. They differ in description and requirements; there is a decision for each of these titles:[2] Byzantine Empire Holy Roman Empire Empire of Italia If ...
Restore the Roman Empire There are three separate decisions named Restore the Roman Empire, allowing the taker to form the Roman Empire title. They differ in description and requirements; there is a decision for each of these titles:[2] Byzantine Empire Holy Roman Empire Empire of Italia If ...
【DLC点评】(按已发行时间排序,评价标准主要为内容的治理实用性、扮演趣味性、功能丰富性。) Garments of the Holy Roman Empire。推荐指数:★。服饰包。应该是免费的。 Fashion of the Abbasid Court。推荐指数:★。服饰包。 Northern Lords。推荐指数:★★。 Royal Court。推荐指数:★★★。重要的是文化融合、...
- Added custom warning for Christians trying to create the Empire of Germania-当日耳曼尼亚帝国被建立时,基督徒会收到提示。- Added information in tenet tooltip on the conversion speed penalty for Syncretic Folk Traditions- 调和信仰的民间传统的传教时间减益将会被显示。- Added missing title to ...
- Fixed faulty gender of a Roman- 修复了某位罗马人错误的性别。- Fixed imprisoned characters sometimes being chosen to be mercenary captains or Holy Order Grandmasters- 修复了被囚禁的角色仍有可能被选为骑士团大团长的bug。- Fixed loc in seduction event- 修正了勾引事件的文本。- Fixed lowborns ...
Found a New Empire found_empire Amnesty for False Conversions encourage_confession_of_false_conversions Restore the Holy Roman Empire restore_holy_roman_empire Adopt Special Succession Type adopt_special_succession Found the Kingdom of Aragon form_the_kingdom_of_aragon Indulge in Drink stress...
Owns the Kingdom of Bohemia Owns the Holy Roman Empire The de jure territory of Kingdom of Bohemia starts controlled entirely but more Gold and another Duchy title is needed to create it. 1.0 M Saint Reach the highest possible Level of Devotion Have max piety level. In 867 King ...
Holy sites are baronies that are considered sacred by a Faith. If a faith controls a holy site, all characters belonging to that faith will gain a permanent bonus. In addition, holy sites are the targets of Pilgrimage activities and they are necessary to create a Head of Faith title or ...
The New Kaiser/Kaiserin Heroic Restore the Holy Roman Empire A new Kaiser/Kaiserin rises from the ashes to bring prosperity under his/her benevolent rule. The New King/Queen of Israel Heroic Restore Israel Israel, a Kingdom for God's chosen people, subjugated by Assyrians, Babylonians, and ...