add_realm_law_skip_effects [law] [character(optional)] - Adds a realm law, skips the cost and the pass effect, and the revoke effects of the current law set_culture [culture] [character(optional)] - Sets the culture of a character change_fervor [amount(optional)] [faith(optional)] -...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_religion_blending } } 宗教融合 effect =...
Sadly an engine fix was impossible, so to ensure proper line breaking in Chinese text, you need to use a half-width versions of the punctiation, followed by a space. Using the right character substitutions, the visual change should be minimal and the line breaks do end up in the proper...
After researching all ten Radiant Innovations, an eleventh Innovation is unlocked: Luminocracy, the Rule of Radiance. This provides a newgovernmenttype, a special Radiant Council, and powerful realm Policies. Each Radiant Innovation also increases your chances of becoming a Radiant in the first ...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_religion_blending } } 宗教融合 effect =...
While personality traits can change, it is very difficult to do so; this most often occurs as the result of a mental break at Stress Level 2 or higher. Each personality trait has an opposite trait and usually characters with opposite personality traits will have lowered Opinion of each ...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_religion_blending } } 宗教融合 effect =...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_religion_blending } } 宗教融合 effect =...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_religion_blending } } 宗教融合 effect =...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_religion_blending } } 宗教融合 effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_religious_festivities } } 宗教节庆 effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_religious_patronage } } 宗教赞助 ...