Promoters are rulers that promote the legend, gaining fewer bonuses but only paying half of the maintenance cost of owning it. Promoting a legend requires one of the following: Know the language of the legend's creator Neighbor with the legend's creator Lover or Soulmate with the legend's ...
The Roman Empire gains the coat of arms and color of the Holy Roman Empire If Byzantine Emperor is a different character, they gain 35 stress.[4] None Adult Is an independent ruler Is not imprisoned Feudal, Clan or Republic government Hold or control the following titles: Duchies of Latium...
The Roman Empire gains the coat of arms and color of the Holy Roman Empire If Byzantine Emperor is a different character, they gain 35 stress.[4] None Adult Is an independent ruler Is not imprisoned Feudal, Clan or Republic government Hold or control the following titles: Duchies of Latium...
The Roman Empire gains the coat of arms and color of the Holy Roman Empire If Byzantine Emperor is a different character, they gain 35 stress.[4] None Adult Is an independent ruler Is not imprisoned Feudal, Clan or Republic government Hold or control the following titles: Duchies of Latium...