set_culture [culture] [character(optional)] - Sets the culture of a character设定角色的文化 change_fervor [amount(optional)] [faith(optional)] - Changes the fervor of a faith改变信仰的热情 add_secret [type] [target(optional)] [character(optional)] - Gives a character (currently played chara...
effect = {culture = { add_culture_tradition = tradition_equal_inheritance } } 平等继承 effect =...
set_culture [culture] [character(optional)]change_fervor [amount(optional)] [faith(optional)]向角色透露一项机密(默认为当前扮演角色)add_secret [type] [target(optional)] [character(optional)]更改一个县的发展水平,默认为首都change_development_level [amount] [province_id(optional)]faction_spawn [...
change_culture Copy commandCopy syntax In-depth description, examples, and more Command: change_culture Effect: This command changes the culture of the specified county to the new specified culture. change_development_level Copy commandCopy syntax In-depth description, examples, and more Command: cha...
set_culture [culture] [character(optional)] - Sets the culture of a character change_fervor [amount(optional)] [faith(optional)] - Changes the fervor of a faith add_secret [type] [target(optional)] [character(optional)] - Gives a character (currently played character by default) a specific...
This is already called in on_character_culture_change and on_character_faith_change for all held titles, but if you want the dynamic coat of arms to be updated under any other circumstance, it's up to you to implement on_actions as needed. Easy going by using the IN-Game Designer[...
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Checks Crusader Kings 3 user mod files for mistakes and warns about them. For example: missing localizations, or using a faith trigger on a character.Crusader Kings 3 is a grand strategy game made by Paradox Interactive, and user mods are made by the players to enhance or change their game...
Of course the Royal Court itself is open to mods, it is all defined in the gfx/court_scene folder though the majority of the complex scene_settings itself is best built using the in-game editor that we are shipping with the court scene. It lets you position and change objects and switch...