美国众神之战,欢乐的地域黑图鉴 | CK3《After the End》宣传片 6186 2 06:43 App 【CK3】【末日之后】“灰姑娘” 罗亚尔再兴【下】 2275 1 12:02 App 【十字军之王3】【末日之后】卡斯卡迪亚之梦1 战斗不断的森林女王 4.9万 42 05:55 App 【CK3/CK2】跨代大型架空模组介绍:2666年的世界?【末日之...
After the End CK3开发日志7:基督教宗教容忍教义扩展 大家好 今天,我想向大家介绍本模式中大多数亚伯拉罕信仰所使用的特殊教义系统的重大扩展。我是 Mygavolt,这次扩展的主要设计者。我与许多其他开发人员,特别是瓦基迪亚和诺瓦拉托斯合作,为大家带来了这个庞然大物,我很高兴看到它投入使用。扩展的基本框架最初是我在...
CK3的MOD越来越野了。现在喜欢这个After the end《末日之后》,开始于2666年7月4日,满是致敬。各种现代的政治 宗教 科技经过了600年大异变了: 美国梦变成了真正的宗教。 智利的Cybersyn协同网络也成了宗教。 墨西哥的摔角 加拿大的老兵文化 原子崇拜 工业神教 都是宗教。 马孔多成了现实。老鼠伯爵领是迪士尼乐园。
搬一些推上的Afte..顺便宣传一下新建的After the end群:876436105,欢迎大家交流阿瓦隆的摩根美国地区以及美利坚教委内瑞拉圣保罗巴哈马建筑模型哥伦比亚秘鲁厄瓜多尔北极地区服饰
|1 at the end is optional and will round down to 1 number after the decimal point, so instead of 1.573 you will see 1.5. You can set this at any number, add % to convert to a percentage, add = or + to color the value if it's positive or negative. ...
The Hennin hat will be used by some Noble women after 1300Added new Lifestyle events:One for Learning: ScholarshipOne for Martial: StrategyAn Event Chain for Martial: AuthorityAdded the Meet Peers activity for children. The activity allows them to forge relationships with other kids and maybe ...
Hairy Dude(讨论|贡献) 小(rm garbage, fix "\n" and unmatched italics) ←上一编辑 2020年9月21日 (一) 13:06的版本(编辑)(撤销) Hairy Dude(讨论|贡献) (version) 下一编辑→ 第1行:第1行: While {{icon|CK3}} [[Crusader Kings III]] allows players to select any landed [[ruler]] in ...
Total map overhauls are not supported (of course), and whatever new cultures and religions are brought by the mod - you'll have to add manually in the files in configurables folder. Q: How can I customize my game after converting? A: Use the guide in after_converting.txt in the ...
Total map overhauls are not supported (of course), and whatever new cultures and religions are brought by the mod - you'll have to add manually in the files in configurables folder. Q: How can I customize my game after converting? A: Use the guide in after_converting.txt in the ...
NanAsyncQueueWorkerwill run aNanAsyncWorkerasynchronously via libuv. Both theexecuteandafter_worksteps are taken care of for you—most of the logic for this is embedded inNanAsyncWorker. Contributors NAN is only possible due to the excellent work of the following contributors: ...