Here I just want to add some notes for editing the outbreak of the Black Death: outbreak bubonic_plague Also this note is suitable for otherdiseases, especially for "disease_period" in the Save File. The "disease_period" is not clear in CK2 wiki: Save-game editing Black death can happen...
that introduced gooey style editing for events and things like 啊,抱歉,至少现在没有 但也许有人能够做出来呢 我的意思是,我们的铁粉能够设计更便利的工具 他们兴许能搞出不那么复杂的典型 《克宫:冷战》的架构真的很开放 每个人都能为它定制一份开源的mod库 就像那些早就有粘性mod工具的其他游戏一样 yes ...