1首先可以开任意一个ck2档,加载日落入侵的dlc,选任意时间(建议选1250日落入侵之前)直接输出mod。2删除mod中欧洲省份文件。应该是在\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings II\eu4_export\mod\Converted_Roman_Empire1257_02_14(这个是mod的名字,输出的时候会提示)\history\provinces之中,删除所有带_conv的txt...
As the Roman Empire, reclaim the old imperial borders0.2%42.The One Who Brings BenefitAs a Zoroastrian, become the prophesied Saoshyant0.2%43.The Outside BetStarting in the "Stamford Bridge" bookmark as Svend II of Denmark, become the King of England0.2%44.SurvivorPlay a game all the way...
vice_royalty_empire_of_roman;元首国;;;x city_baron_roman;城主;;;x city_baron_female_roman;女城主;;;x city_count_roman;城市长官;;;x city_count_female_roman;城市长官;;;x city_duke_roman;保民官;;;x city_duke_female_roman;保民官;;;x city_king_roman;执政官;;;x city_king_female_r...
Roman Mod Jul 12 2013 Released 2013 Real Time Strategy This very simple mod hopes to make it easier for the player to restore the Roman Empire by changing some requirements and adding claims for the emperor... K-ANG CHEAT MOD Oct 1 2021 TBD Real Time Strategy K-ANG CHEAT MOD for C...
However, cats possibly were already kept in Europe prior to the Roman Empire, as they may have been present in Britain in the late Iron Age. So no one seems quite sure when domesticated cats spread to Europe, but certainly before CK2. TL_ said: So will the DDs be mostly minor ...
In the new World of Darkness/Vampire: the Requiem; the Camarilla refers to the ancient Roman empire Kindred Society which is well detailed in Requiem for Rome and Fall of the Camarilla books. They do not appear in the 1142/1250 bookmarks--however some bloodlines are present. In the future,...