完全抑制CK-MM的活性,而不抑制CK-MB的活性,然后用酶动力 学方法测定总酶活性,即得CK-MB活性,可是血清中CK-BB和腺苷酸肌酶(AK)都能干扰CK-MB的活性,因此,常有CK总酶活性正常而CK-MB 活性升高,甚至CK-MB活性大于CK总酶活性的现象.本文采用电化学发光法对CK-MB进行定量检测(CK-MB mass assay),并对其进行...
In the absence of cTn detection, the best alternative is the CK-MB mass assay. 05 "Detection and Clinical Application of Cardiac Markers in Coronary Artery Disease and Heart Failure" (Health Industry Standard of the People's Republic of China WS/T 462-2015) When there is no condition to ...
高,甚至CK—MB活性大于CK总酶活性的现象.本 文采用电化学发光法对CK-MB进行定量检N(CK— MBmassassay),并对其进行方法学评价. 1资料和方法 1.1材料取部分病人血清制成混合血清;自 2004年4月至9月选取部分心肌梗死和外伤病人 的血清若干. 1.2方法Elecsys2010电化学发光仪),CK—MB ...
4 CK‑MB assay and linearized using human recombinant CK‑MB from th Seradyn. The Limit of Blank is the 95 percentile value from n ≥ 60 measurements of analyte‑free samples over several independent series. The Limit of Blank Every Elecsys reagent set has a barcoded label containing ...
Collins DR, Wright DJ, Rinsler MG, Thomas P, Bhattacharya S, and Raftery EB (1993) Early diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction with use of a rapid immunochem-ical assay of creatine kinase MB isoenzyme, Clin. Chem. 39(8): 1725–1728. PubMed CAS Google Scholar Gotoh K, Minamino T,...
Keywords:CreatinekinaseMBisoenzyme;Massassay;Activitymethod;Falsepositivity 肌酸激酶(creatinekinase,CK)是临床常用的肌肉损伤指标[1],以具有M和B2个亚基的二聚体分子形式存在,包括MM、MB、BB3种同工酶。其中,肌酸激酶MB同工酶(creatinekinaseMBisoenzyme,CK-MB)主要存在于心肌中,诊断心肌梗死等疾病相关的心肌损伤的...
利用酶免疫分析技术检测 CK- MB mass 提高了CK-MB在AMI早期诊断和微小心肌梗死患者中的诊断敏感性(如下表)。 1指征 诊断无骨骼肌损伤的心肌梗死,亦适于早期诊断。 监测溶栓治疗。 估计不稳定心绞痛患者的预后。 2检测方法 全血快速定性试验 原理:固相免疫层析法。吸取肝素化或EDT...
The analytical and clinical performances of the new fluorescent immunoassay (CK-MB mass Vidas-BioMerieux) were examined and compared to the chemiluminescent test (CK-MB mass Access-Sanofi-Pasteur). Assay precisions of the CK-MB Vidas test within-assay or between-assay were less than 5.4 and 5....
CK-MB大部分存在于心肌细胞中,部分骨骼肌细胞中也有,血液中CK-MB升高可能是心肌细胞受损,有心梗的可能。CK-MB-mass这个也是心梗的指标。至于正常值 你去医院查一个,那结果报告单上有正常值范围,各个地方的不一样,有些许的差别,没有的话肯定是正常的。