Icontacted many German high-tech companies, among themFAGandVorwerk.FAG Kugelfischerinvited me to their branch office in Wuppertal with their large training centre. The result was an exciting conversation. They would have liked to work together with me, technical difficulties made this impossible. ...
First Flight Couriers (1) First Nation Airways (6) Fischer Brothers Aviation (1) Five Forty Aviation (2) Five Star Airlines (Mexico) (1) Flair Airlines (33) Float Shuttle (1) Florida Express Jet (2) Florida West International Airways (5) Flugfelag Islands (3) Fly Air41...
Ian Fischer Ian Sndrz Ian Source Ian Storm IBRA Ibrahin Cuevas Ibranovski Icarix Ice Cream Ice Spice Ice X Diaz Icona Pop ICY Ida Corr Idd Aziz IDEMI Ideo Idle Days IDMoff Ido Idris Idris Elba Iggy Ignition Ross Iickollas IIIOR IINT ikaosi Ikigai Ikon Ilan Bluestone ILHVSH ILIRA Ilkan ...
Helene Fischer: Atemlos durch die Nacht (2013) (Music Video) - Cinematographer Haddaway: You Gave Me Love (2010) (Music Video) - Cinematographer Kate Ryan: Babacar (2009) (Music Video) - Cinematographer Kate Ryan: I Surrender (2008) (Music Video) - Cinematographer Kate Ryan: El...
wolfgang Warmbier, ZiehI, Anstoss, BFT, Bucher, Buderus, Busrster, CEAG, Crouzet, Di-soric, Dittmer, Dopag, EAS, First sensor, Fischer, Gruenewald, HADEF, HEB, Hilscher, Holland, Hoentzsch, HPI, IPR, Jacob, JBS, KMH, Knitter, Kobold, Konstandin, Maxon,Hoentzsch,HPI,IPR,Jacob,JBS...
The size of plant lateral organs is determined by well-coordinated cell proliferation and cell expansion. Here, we report that miR159, an evolutionarily conserved microRNA, plays an essential role in regulating cell division in rose (Rosa hybrida) petals
It should be no surprise that when I saw statues of slave owners and colonizers all over the world being brought down, I felt pure joy. To deface a public effigy questions the people who had the influence to create the statue in the first place. More importantly...
Fabian Fischer fix(engine): vad model path cd63db9· Jan 16, 2025 History381 Commits .github Create FUNDING.yml Jan 29, 2023 figures .wav conversion, handle audio with no detected speech Apr 1, 2023 whisperx fix(engine): vad model path Jan 16, 2025 .gitignore feat(engine): new de al...
Susan L. FurthThe Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA;Joya M. SimsThe Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA;Hannah C. DerwickThe Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA;Katherine M. FischerThe Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA;...
100、DKV Mobility Group 德国 银行和资本市场 185.6亿美元 1934/私人/Fischer/75 中国大陆、香港和台湾地区上榜企业 排名 总部所在地 行业领域 年营收 创立时间/性质/所属家族/投票权大于等于 24、碧桂园(Country Garden Holdings) 中国 房地产、酒店和建设 639.6亿美元 1992/公众/Yang/50 ...