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youtube.com/watch?v=nwmfvqnauMo, 视频播放量 14976、弹幕量 41、点赞数 239、投硬币枚数 26、收藏人数 210、转发人数 60, 视频作者 初宇Dk, 作者简介 嘿!初宇是个很有趣的人,有时很酷,有时很土,有时很还想比比激光雨,相关视频:泰坦差事.exe,Pewdiepie 世紀搞
Here we go again格罗夫超人是这样的,肉身🌿翻军事基地和航空母舰。对哥哥仁义至尽,对叛徒毫不手软,对朋友坦诚相待。塑造的确实优秀 来自Android客户端2楼2024-11-20 10:33 收起回复 逍遥败家仔 异端审判 11 那个游戏最火的meme就是黑喂狗again了,很多外网视频必用到,真的是很出圈的角色 3楼2024-11-20...
CJ是Carl Johnson的简称,是侠盗飞车圣安地列斯的主角。名台词:Ah! 泄!Here we go again....
Here we go again again and again 我记得当年我第一次打开SA的时候,只能用「失望」两个字来形容:这TM是啥?画质比《罪恶都市》还垃圾?这干瘦的黑人小伙儿一副弱不禁风的样子,长得比Tommy老师还丑,还没有人家那拽拽普信的气质,我还怎么在城市里掌控雷电啊?而事实上,CJ也是GTA系列里最弱的一代主角。SA是第...
另外,我们的主角 CJ 近期也在推上又火了一把,推特用户ChaoticGeekCG做了一个游戏中 CJ 边走边说“Ah shit, here we go again.”的绿屏视频以供大家再创作,这下沙雕网友的脑洞又止不住了。 秒拍视频地址:点我 秒拍视频地址:点我 在《女神异闻录 5》这版的视频下面,原推还配了一句话:“当你被迫返回天鹅...
People usually praise SA for having too much features for a game released in 2004. They praise Carl and the characters for having such memorable lines like the "Big Smoke's Order" and the meme which was the "Ah sh*t, here we go again". But In my opinion on why SA's story is prais...
Here we go– the color Lauren and I are NOT looking forward to; we just don’t do pink, but we gave it a half-hearted shot anyway. Again, I’m focusing on trying to help Lauren win an iPhone or Beats, but I also put in a picture or two for each competition just in case. I...
Finally, I’ll take this chance to thank Chinese players again for their hospitality. As the first Hungarian game company having business in Chinese market, we are confident that Chinese players will be satisfied with our games. 托马斯先生在Level-R签约仪式上 ...