the value brought by civilianising increasing numbers of police posts." ADDRESS: New Secretary Theresa The Police Federation, which represents officers up to and including the rank of chief inspector, analysed statistics from all 43 forces, looking at the ratio of police staffing numbers from 2000...
Inward foreign direct investmentOur dependent variable was measured as the 5-year moving average of all IFDI flows by country year. We recognized that this is a highly variable measure and used IFDI stock in our robustness tests. However, IFDI flows better reflect the extent to which a country...
When I count all the stories I actually wrote, compared to those I thought about writing, I come up with a ratio of approximately one in ten, i.e. only about 10% of my ideas actually turn into stories and then only after a lengthy period percolating in the confused teapot of my ...
Cost ROI Ratio: Excellent Translating Military Experience to Civilian Resumes The first step toward getting a job after your military career is to create a Veteran resume. You probably have many marketable skills that employers demand right now – the challenge is translating your military expertise ...
Equations (1) and (2) are estimated by full-information maximum likelihood. The likelihood-ratio test of whether the correlation coefficient of the residuals is equal to zero can be used as a Hausman endogeneity test (Knapp and Seaks, 1998). Single equation probit estimations for the re...
In particular, if low-burnup fuel had been used to produce the 144Ce source above mentioned, the measured ratio of 103Ru/106Ru would make the released material appear younger than its actual age. In other words, low burnup could also mean that the fuel that was used for the 144Ce ...
India has never lived up to its potential. China was a shambles as recently as 1980. India was far ahead of it. Bt since then China has left India, literally in the dust...As China rises, India continues to decline relatively. Its debt-to-GDP ratio is now 90 percent, making a stron...
One female (3.9%) and twenty five males (96.1%) were recorded, giving a female to male ratio of 1:25. In the upper extremity, brachial artery 6 (23.1%) was the most involved vessel while in the lower extremity, the most involved was the femoral artery 9 (34.6%). The patterns of ...
accounted fo r only 3 .5 %.and the reaso nable ratio sho uld be in 40%.From the theoretical level,the majority of teachers belonging to the on—the-j ob graduate student,graduate professional students is relatively smal1.Therefore ,the o verall lev el o f the teachers need fu ...
accounted fo r only 3 .5 %.and the reaso nable ratio sho uld be in 40%.From the theoretical level,the majority of teachers belonging to the on—the-j ob graduate student,graduate professional students is relatively smal1.Therefore ,the o verall lev el o f the teachers need fu ...