CSD,Datums.CSD文件,放如C:\Users\用户名\AppData\Local\Autodesk\User Geospatial Coordinate Systems...
CSD文件将自动创建在以下路径中:C:\Users\User Name\AppData\Local\Autodesk\User Geospatial Coordinate Systems。 自2016版起,引入了以下命令来导出和导入坐标系以进行共享。 MAPCSLIBRARYIMPORT MAPCSLIBRARYEXPORT 从Civil 3D 2015及更高版本开始,所有自定义坐标系...
When assigning a coordinate system to a drawing, you notice that certain or all coordinate systems are missing. Only some computers seem to be affected. Missing or corrupt files in the Geospatial Coordinate Systems folders. Replace the Geospatial Coordin
问题: 将坐标系指定给图形时,您会注意到某些或所有坐标系都丢失。似乎只有某些计算机受到影响。 原因: 地理空间坐标系文件夹中缺少文件或文件已损坏。 解决方案: 通过执行以下操作,将地理空间坐标系文件夹替换为不受影响的计算机中的文件夹: 关闭Map 3D或Civil 3D。
How to to assign a coordinate system in Map 3D or Civil 3D drawing. Follow bellow solutions to assign coordinate systems in Map 3D or Civil 3D: Drawing Settings Open the Settings tab in the Toolspace. Right-click on the DWG and "Edit drawing settings". S
C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\Geospatial Coordinate Systems 14.0X\Germany 在AutoCAD Map Library中,选择正确的大地坐标变换: 使用命令打开库: _MAPCSLIBRARY 选择大地坐标变换: DHDN/BeTA_to_ETRF89 选择“编辑”以打开大地坐标变换: 在左侧选择“栅格数据文件插值...
Import shp file coordinate system problems I have some shapefiles form a client for their water system. I'm trying to import them into C3D and make a master map and model the system. I'm having issues with the coordinate systems and can't get the shp files to come in correctly. I...
How to perform a coordinate transformation in AutoCAD Map 3D or Civil 3D. To perform a coordinate transformation in Map 3D or Civil 3D, do the following steps: 1. Assign a desired Coordinate System to your Map Open a new drawing. Check that the correct u
Improve coordination between architects and civil engineers with shared coordinate systems. (video 1:59 min.) Watch video “Determining current … improved cut-and-fill conditions would have taken days if computed manually.” —Gaurav Sharma, Director of Technology, WDI Studios ...
When using the Coordinate Transformation Tool extension in Civil 3D. an "eNotOpenForWrite" error window is displayed. Causes:The drawing may have a custom Coordinate System not included in the standard MAPCSLIBRARY. Solution:The extension does not suppor...