Just see on eBay . It belonged to a captain named John Garey. In 2022 , same saber , thé name of thé captain was John Greer https://civilwartalk.com/threads/captain-john-s-greer’s-saber-2nd-texas-cavalry-greer’s-rocket-battery-for-sale-on-ebay.193598
"Partial quotes, contextual deception, & half-truths are like pot-holes on the path of knowledge."-- Civil War Talk user Bee, March 28, 2016
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The threat of discovery is always present, and the true meaning of going to war doesn’t really sink in until the regiment enters its first battle and Emily gets a close-up view of shooting at the enemy and being shot at. The general shook his head. “I will not send you back to ...
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Talk of civil war greets New Year: Gaza debate stirs fears of Israeli soldiers fighting civilians.Sedan, Gil
Civil War Talk RadioGordon, Lesley
The Civil War again. But wait, this time it’s English and there are three of them! Can Parliament and Puritanism be saved from the armies of the Royalists? Thank you for visitingThe Armchair Dragoonsand saddling up with the Regiment of Strategy Gaming. You can find our...
“Multitudes”of women raped… “there’s so much rape, it’s normal; we don’t even talk about it. Violence against women has reached an “intolerable level” (Cote d’Ivoire: Country profiles, reports and fact sheets on Cote d’Ivoire, updated 2/21/2006, WomenWarPeace,http://www.wo...
“I’ll never take for granted the basic rights guaranteed to me in part due to the efforts of PVA’s founders in the wake of World War II,” she said in a statement. “Whether it’s leading the effort to stop H.R. 620 or...