PA Volunteers of the Spanish American War Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Spanish-American War of 1898. Looking for Pennsylvania males born between 1860 and 1880? Try this free online database of over 40,000 PA men. Causes of Civil War The Role of Cotton in the Civil War...
Soldier Biographies Bios of PA Civil War soldiers. In addition to battles fought, injuries and POW info, each biography typically has genealogy data such as birthplace and birthdate, parents, spouse, children and occupation before and after the War. Pension Roll of 1883 Civil War pension li...
Add variation of department and race in civil war soldiers*This is the successor MOD of my 'Civil war soldier diversity'
Related to civil war:Spanish Civil War civil war n. 1.A war between factions or regions of the same country. 2.Civil WarThe war in the United States between the Union and the Confederacy from 1861 to 1865. Also calledWar Between the States. ...
Civil War records feature everything from personal accounts to historic writings that would shape a nation. Explore vivid details of Civil War battles through maps and photos. Get a personal picture of the war through Union and Confederate soldier service records, pension files, and more. ...
Basic StatisticNumber of casualties in major battles in the American Civil War 1861-1865 Basic StatisticNumber of soldiers during the American Civil War 1861-1865 Basic StatisticSoldier wages in the American Civil War 1861-1865, by rank Basic StatisticBlack and slave population in the United States...
Foregrounding the body of the soldier as a medium of sensory experience and as a body at risk, their work recalls the long history of war photography, painting, and film, dramatizing the importance of the figure of the body in narratives of war, and the power of somatic imagery to shape...
Video about a Civil War soldier maintains his gun (Archive Footage Version). Video of camp, rebels, bearded - 80429832
Soldier in Robert Farquhar Daguerreotype (segment "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge") Ambrose Bierce: Civil War Stories (2006) Mark Foster Shelby's 5th Missouri Cavalry (segment "The Story of Conscience") Ambrose Bierce: Civil War Stories (2006) Pat James Shelby's 5th Missouri Cavalry ...