1:31:20 [PBS] 美国大师系列 诺曼·李尔:只是另一个你 Norman Lear Just Another Version Of You 小猫咪字幕组 54:57 改变美国的10条街道 10 Streets That Changed America 小猫咪字幕组 53:00 【PBS】自然系列 鲑鱼:历尽艰辛 720P中英文双语字幕 Salmon Running The Gauntlet ...
Lisa Q. Wolfinger created the new PBS American drama concept in collaboration with David Zabel, (showrunner and lead writer on NBC’s hit series “ER.”) The series was inspired by the sesquicentennial of the Civil War and their shared passion for history.About Scott Free ...
Originally broadcast in 1990, the legendary PBS documentary finally makes its debut on DVD in this loaded edition. Even without the extras, "The Civil War" is a thoroughly engaging, provocative, and hugely moving 9-part film that proves why funding PBS is worth every penny. Originally photograp...
PBS Debuts Civil War Hospital DramaPASADENA, Calif. - PBS's first American scripted series in a decade, the six-episode Civil War...Owen, Rob
PBS纪录片/美国内战(THE CIVIL WAR)全九集中字原 本站是提供个人知识管理的网络存储空间,所有内容均由用户发布,不代表本站观点。请注意甄别内容中的联系方式、诱导购买等信息,谨防诈骗。如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击一键举报。
Forty million viewers watched it during its initial broadcast, making it the most watched program ever to air on PBS, to this day remaining one of the most popular shows broadcast by PBS. The visitorship to Civil War battlefields and memorial sites measurably increased the summer following the ...
PBS has inked a co-production deal with BBC and BBC Worldwide, PBS’s president and CEO Paula A. Kerger announced during Monday’s Television Critics Association press tour in Pasadena.Additionally, the broadcaster has ordered a new Civil War drama series produced by Ridley Scott (“Gladiator”...
19世纪工业革命传到美国,美国经济迅速发展,同时美国获得了西部的大片领土,急需劳动力,南方奴隶制成为经济发展的障碍。 1860年主张废除奴隶制的林肯当选总统,南方奴隶主发动叛乱,南方蓄奴州纷纷独立,1861年2月组成邦联政府,戴维斯当选总统。同年4月南方邦联军先发制人攻占萨姆特要塞,内战爆发。 南军准备充分,势如破竹,...
文件名称:南北战争 THE CIVIL WAR(by Ken Burns)中英双语字幕.zip 下载次数:55文件大小:578.19 KB ...
Civil war exists when two or more opposing parties within a country resort to arms to settle a conflict or when a substantial portion of the population takes up arms against the legitimate government of a country. WithinInternational Lawdistinctions are drawn between minor conflicts like riots, whe...