Civil War: Directed by Alex Garland. With Nick Offerman, Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Jefferson White. In a dystopian future, four journalists travel across the United States during a nation-wide conflict. While trying to survive, they aim to reach the W
In the near future, a team of journalists travel across the United States during a rapidly escalating civil war that has engulfed the entire nation.
Civil War: England's Fight for Freedom: Directed by Paul Sen. With Jeremy Hardy, Ross Dunsmore, Lizzie McPhee, David Bauckman. Drama documentary about the events leading up to and surrounding the English Civil War.
Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller, War | Sub-Genres - Dystopian Film | Release Date - Apr 10, 2024 | Run Time - 109 min. | Countries - United States of America | MPAA Rating - R AllMovie Rating 5 User Ratings (32) Your Rating ...
Civil War: England's Fight for Freedom: Directed by Paul Sen. With Jeremy Hardy, Ross Dunsmore, Lizzie McPhee, David Bauckman. Drama documentary about the events leading up to and surrounding the English Civil War.
What happens next is your basic war-is-hell travelogue. Each point on the map tests the quartet’s objectivity, and this includes one pit stop in a small Southern town where the citizens have seemingly made the collective decision to act like everything is normal and that neighbor isn’t ...
美帝崩裂(Civil War)戲院上映場次、預告及影評。在不久的將來,美國內部矛盾越趨白熱化,最終爆發史上最大規模的內戰。19個州份宣佈獨立,並組成反抗勢力,包括加州和德州組成的「西部力量」及「佛羅里達聯盟」等,與美國政府開戰。一群不顧自身安危的戰地記者(姬絲汀登絲
BEIJING, May 24 (Xinhua) -- "Civil War," a dystopian movie produced by a U.S. indie studio that alludes to political and social divide in the United States, is scheduled to land in movie theaters on the Chinese mainland on June 7. ...
Civil War 2024年06月07日 109分钟 -动作/剧情 IMAX2D/CINITY2D/中国巨幕/2D/4DX 扫码购票 导演: 亚力克斯·嘉兰 Alex Garland 剧情: 这部电影讲述了美国内战期间发生的事件,政府军攻击平民,记者在国会大厦被枪杀…… 主演: 克尔斯滕·邓斯特 Kirsten Dunst ...
Marvel's Civil War Full Comic Dub Movie: With Alexander Aguirre, Jim Cady, Joshua Crawford, Michael Curd. The superheroes stand against each other in a civil war that will change their world forever.