Civil War: Directed by Alex Garland. With Nick Offerman, Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Jefferson White. In a dystopian future, four journalists travel across the United States during a nation-wide conflict. While trying to survive, they aim to reach the W
In the near future, a team of journalists travel across the United States during a rapidly escalating civil war that has engulfed the entire nation.
It’s here where the film introduces celebrated photojournalist Lee (Kirsten Dunst) and veteran war reporter Joel (Wagner Moura), who are planning on making the dangerous drive to Washington, DC in hopes of scoring an interview with the president. They are joined on the trek by their mentor,...
Civil war was not a bad, actually. It did a really good job at symbolizing the horrors of war. It Got very confusing at the end, but definitely a good movie. I would give it a 65% Jim M Dec 17, 2024 Waste of talent and time. Move on. ...
Genres - Action-Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction, Thriller, War | Sub-Genres - Dystopian Film | Release Date - Apr 10, 2024 | Run Time - 109 min. | Countries - United States of America | MPAA Rating - R AllMovie Rating 5 User Ratings (32) Your Rating ...
Civil War: England's Fight for Freedom: Directed by Paul Sen. With Jeremy Hardy, Ross Dunsmore, Lizzie McPhee, David Bauckman. Drama documentary about the events leading up to and surrounding the English Civil War.
2880x1800 Captain America Civil War Movie, HD Movies, 4k Wallpaper, Image"> Get Wallpaper 1920x1080 Captain America: Civil War Wallpaper Desktop Wallpaper Box"> Get Wallpaper 1920x1200 Civil War Wallpaper HD"> Get Wallpaper 1920x1080 Civil War Wallpaper 4k"> Get Wallpaper ...
Civil War: England's Fight for Freedom: Directed by Paul Sen. With Jeremy Hardy, Ross Dunsmore, Lizzie McPhee, David Bauckman. Drama documentary about the events leading up to and surrounding the English Civil War.
war film. But, the events ofCivil Warare memorable. So much of the imagery helps it stay that way, with shots of wartorn (and thriving) America, dead bodies, and mundane scenes of beauty in nearly every scene. It’s a beautiful-looking movie that plays with the edge of the frame ...
Dubbed by some American media as potentially "the year's most explosive movie," "Civil War" has secured a victory in theaters, taking the top spot at the North American box office chart for two consecutive weekends. The screening of "Civil War" on the Chinese mainland follows a number of...