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Letters Home From The Civil War This section is dedicated to the words of those brave men and women who participated in the American Civil War and shared their experiences with friends and loved ones through the written word. All letters archived at this site are authentic and have not been ...
Whether this is referring to the Raleigh Battle’s or the Wilson Battle’s is unclear. However, if the Rev. Battle did own slaves in the midst of the war it might mean that he was not the abolitionist as previously thought.” Two things struck me: (1) given Hugh B. Johnston’s ...
” though Southerners were often called “Homemade Yankees.” Nearly 120,000 “Unionists served in the Union Army during the Civil War, and every Southern state raised Unionist regiments.
Fenton, there were two hard-headed War Democrats, William G. Steele of New Jersey and William S. Holman of Indiana, whose sense of economy on committee junkets laid the groundwork for his deserved reputation as the "Watch Dog of the Treasury." Dawes, for his part, promised the House no...
First Flag on the Summit: History of the 15th Indiana Civil War RegimentSam Passo
Information on Civil War Military, War Facts, Campaigns, P.O.W. Camps, Leaders, Units, Battles for the War of the Rebellion
Civil War battles in Tennessee Other Names: None Location: Shelby County Campaign: Joint Operations on the Middle Mississippi River (1862) Date(s): June 6, 1862 Principal Commanders: Flag-Officer Charles H. Davis and Col. Charles Ellet [US]; Capt. James E. Montgomery and Brig. Gen. M. ...
Soon after, Larkin discovers an unexpected treasure—the diary of Emily Wilson, a young woman who disguised herself as a man to fight for the Union in the Civil War. As Larkin struggles to heal, she finds herself drawn deeply into Emily’s life and the secrets she kept. Indiana, 1861 ...
plantation near Jefferson City, Missouri. In 1862, as the Union soldiers moved through Jefferson City, several slaves, including Williams, were confiscated by the 8th Indiana Infantry as contraband. At age seventeen, she was impressed into serving with the 8th Indiana Volunteer Infantry Regiment. ...