Displaying Civil War Era ArtifactsAMST/HARC 324- The American Civil War in Art and Visual Culture, Present- will discuss the production of their current display of Civil War Era artifacts in the Davis Family Library.Katie SullivanTaylor Pierce...
15-year veterans of reenactments, Jacob Manley and his father Richard, Hartwick, show off a Civil War era tent. At right, re-enactor Tim Walker, Cooperstown, holds one of his prize artifacts, a certified unexploded 12-pound cannonball from Little Round Top at Gettysburg. In the heat of…...
Back to Andrew. He is a metal detectorist who finds all kinds of historic artifacts all over our fine state. He's found a man's shoe buckle that dates back to the 1700s in Campton, a War of 1812 Sash Plate in Francistown, and three George Washington Inaugural Buttons in Bristol. I ...
Georgia as a training site for U.S. troops. Camp Hancock was named after Civil War general and native Pennsylvanian Winfield Scott Hancock. According toVeteran Voices Military Research, “Camp Hancock was established in July 1917 to serve as a training camp for the Pennsylvania National Guard...
With river levels at record lows, Riley Bryant said the artifacts — a Civil War-era Union army cartridge box plate and bullets — were just sitting there among the rocks under the I-55 bridge waiting to be picked up. "I knew what it was as soon as I saw it laying there in t...
The museum housed Civil War artifacts and memorabilia, as well as some other exhibits. The museum operated until sometime in the late 1890’s when Libby was again disassembled. A new coliseum was built on the museum site. c1992: Libby Prison in Chicago According to the Digital Research ...
Civil War Surgeon's Kit Civil War-era Quilt Confederate $100 Bill with image of Lucy Pickens Crayon Print of Robert E. Lee CSA Bonds Diary entry describing the aftermath of the Sultana explosion Discharge for Hugh E. Love, Co. A, 7th Tenn. Cav. Drawing of Rock Island, Ill....
Civil War Era Dance Music and Score Music CD Music SampleCivil War Music and Score This collection supplies enough sheet music for two full-length Victorian balls: over 70 different tunes, including all those from The Civil War Ballroom CD. Harmony parts are provided for over half the music,...
Civil War. At its height, their town boasted a schoolhouse, a general store, a post office, a practice hall for a brass band, and a church that still stands today. To the best of our knowledge,I Have Started for Canaanis the first book-length history of a Reconstruction-era African ...
Wander the charmingly restored village – costumed actors portray citizens of the era during the summer – and imagine the relief of an end to the war at last. Don’t miss:Poplar Forest, Thomas Jefferson’s escape from the crowds that visited Monticello after his presidency. The hilltop octag...