“the national event” of the fall. First held in 2002 in the ballroom of the Eisenhower Inn & Conference Center with 135 tables of Civil War relics, the show has since expanded to over 400 tables of military artifacts from the Revolutionary War to the end of World War II. The show is...
Welcome! This website is dedicated to the research and sharing of authentic Civil War artifacts. It is hosted by an informal group of friends from Southern California, known as The West Coast Civil War Collectors. Members of the group are regular presenters on Civil War topics to museums, c...
描述 寄件信息 作为美国历史上最苦难的篇章之一,美国内战继续谱写并奠定了美国的国本。该引人注目的 24 页册子包括五版于 2011 年至 2015 年发行的《The Civil War》新邮票,以彰显历史情怀,并纪念美国内战结束 150 周年。该册子及纪念小型张采用定制浮雕盒包装及装饰性内衬,是一份精美绝伦的纪念品。
Publishers of North South Trader's Civil War, the first and foremost magazine for Civil War collectors, relic hunters, researchers, and historians. For more information about our events and our many publications, call 540-672-4845 Mon.-Fri. 9-5 EST or emailorders@nstcivilwar.com MAGAZINE Vol...
I decided to create a site that caters to collectors at all levels, not just to the high end collector. OnCollectors MilitariaI will try to have a nice mix of items from the "one of a kind" item to the most common tinnie. I am a Max/Gdc Lifetime Certified Dealer ...
Shop for—and learn—about vintage and antiques. Browse the best of eBay, connect with other collectors, and explore the history behind your favorite finds.
Barbara Carton
and the better ones have probably not been fired since the Civil War itself. There is risk of blockage, stressed metal, improper loading, and other problems that might not be imagined. In addition many collectors would consider any cleaning or use of a historic piece to be a compromise. A...
Through the years I have put some really good items back and will be adding them to my new website. Although it will be hard to part with a lot of the items, I feel it is time. I hope new collectors or dealers will enjoy the items as I have through the years. Feel free to bro...