civil serviceduties of civil servantdisciplinary commissionproceedingspenaltyCivil servants and other employees are bound to carry out their duties and perform their tasks whilst respecting fully the standards of personal, professional and ethical integrity as well as abide by the ...
1) Disciplinary power of parties of civil action 民事诉讼当事人处分权2) The right of disposing in civil litigation 民事诉讼处分权 1. The right of disposing in civil litigation means that civil litigant. 笔者通过对民事诉讼处分权的研究,认为公正与效率价值的合理平衡是民事诉讼制度改革的方向,而...
(Civil Procedure Rules, Part 32.4). A system that aims for improved accuracy needs a broader principle. England adopts such a principle for documentary evidence, setting the scope of discovery as materials ‘relating to the matters in question in the action,’ which are then defined in terms ...
/ or to be debarred either permanently or for a specified period by the Commission from any examination or selection held by them; by the Central Government from any employment under them; and if he/she is already in service under Government to disciplinary action under the appropriate Rules....
Bill, we will subsequently amend the Public Service (Administration) Order applicabletocivil servantsincivilian grades and seniorrankingofficers in disciplined services grades in order to enable the application of the proposal[...] ...
“Where an officer is suspected or is found to have breached the declaration or oath while in service, the case will be dealt with according to civil service rules and regulations, including disciplinary action under the Public Service (Administration) Order or the relevant disciplined services legi...
“no visitor” rules, which seem to include companions who provide support. The US Department of Health and Human Services and the California Department of Health have recognized the inequities inherent in these policies. The US Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights (OCR...
if proved, gives rise to the appropriate sanctions laid down in the disciplinary rules of the National PoliceCorpsand theCivilGuards. 国家警察部队和国民警卫队的成员一旦被查实实施了上述暴行,将按 照有关纪律条例受到相应的处罚。
and five per cent on the additional value. However, if he delivers the property to the police or other competent official, two and a half per cent of the value of the property shall, in addition to the reward, be paid as a fee to the Government service concerned, but, in no case, ...
“Default judgment will be entered against Giuliani as a discovery sanction pursuant to Rules 37(e)(2)(C) and 37(b)(2)(a)(vi), holding him civilly liable on plaintiffs’ defamation, intentional infliction of emotional distress, civil conspiracy, and punitive damages claims, and Giuliani is...