Here are the results of the Civil Service Exam (CSE) Professional and Subprofessional, including the list of passers and list of topnotchers.
Reminders for the Passers of Civil Service Exam November 2018 1. Individual Examination Result/Rating Through OCSERGS Examinees, both passed and failed, can generate their individual test result using the Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System (OCSERGS) byJANUARY 25, 2019. Please ...
By the date of the appointment, you must have a four-year high school diploma or its educational equivalent. You also must have 15 college semester credits earned as a result of satisfactory completion of course work at an accredited college or university; or full-...
LIST OF PASSERS:NCR - Prof|NCR - Sub-Prof|CAR|CARAGA|Region 1|Region 2|Region 3|Region 4|Region 5|Region 6|Region 7|Region 8|Region 9|Region 10|Region 11|Region 12 TOP 10 PASSERS: August 2019 Civil Service Exam Professional Level TOP 10 PASSERS: August 2019 Civil Service E...