2) Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Civil Service Pay Scales 19XX,The 《香港特别行政区政府公务员薪级表──一九XX年》3) Proposal by the Drafting Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR on the Establishment of the Committee for the Basic Law of the HKSAR Under the...
The Portuguese government has awarded lower-paid civil servants a pay rise that is below inflation, while those on higher pay receive no pay increase at all. Workers situated no higher than level 330 on the public service pay scale, earning € 1,024.09 a month-will receive 2%, while ...
of the same', that is the bureaucratic fine-tuning of regulation and internal human resource management, the shift of competences between levels of governments, or the cutback or expansion of civil service posts, and the adjustments of pay scales and fringe benefits according to fiscal requirements...
CommissiononCivil Service SalariesandConditions of Service will shortly be consulted on the ranking structure and salary scales of a new graduate grade in primary schools. legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk (d) 政府稍後會向公務員薪俸及服務條件常務委員會,徵詢其對新小學學位教師職系 的職級結構及薪級的意見,...
As for the staff of subvented organizations, including the HA staff, since their salarystructureshavebeen delinked fromthecivilservice pay scales, it is up to these organizations to decide whether or not to follow the[...] legco.gov.hk ...
The next increase date is saved in the current data record of the Basic Pay infotype. Next date of increase for contracted employees In the Calculation of Service infotype (0553) you can determine and save the key date of the increase for your contracted employees. When performing an increase...
Stay informed with the latest news on Knowledge & Information Management specific to those working within the Civil Service
There is no easy job in any field or profession or department. All the professional commitments involve its own obstacles, hurdles, hardships and practical difficulties. One who is capable of tiding over all such hindrances can be successful, but of course it takes time to answer to the object...
Our Maine workers’ and civil rights lawyers have over 100 years of shared experience handling employment and civil rights violations throughout Maine and across the nation.
service had been had upon him but this was asserted only in connection with the failure to serve a copy of the subpoena upon the attorney general. The record on appeal contains a transcript of the argument before the trial court upon the issue of improper service but there is no mention ...