美国可能会用government employeeFederal employee这类的表达方式 31233 “公务员”英文应该怎么说?谢谢 公务员:1.official2.office-bearer3.servant4.civil servant5.civilianRelative explainations:Examples:1.巡视官专门调查公民对政府或其公务员的不满的一位政府官员,尤指斯堪的纳维亚国家的一官员A government official,...
The meaning of THE CIVIL SERVICE is the part of a government that takes care of the government's basic business : the administrative part of a government —often used before another noun. How to use the civil service in a sentence.
and languages. The federal civil service in Germany draws on the public service officers in theLänder, and some degree ofproportional representationis attempted. There was considerable pressure in Canada in the 1970s to ensure a more equitable distribution of federal civil service posts between the...
Civil service employees, often called civil servants or public employees, work in a variety of fields such as teaching, sanitation, health care, management, and administration for the federal, state, or local government. Legislatures establish basic prerequisites for employment such as compliance with...
• explicitly authorizing the President to remove, or prohibiting the President from removing, an individual federal employee’s civil service protections by reclassifying their position to a different schedule (for example, in the 118th Congress, the Saving the Civil Service Act (H.R. 1002/S....
I would really love to learn about how Civil Service works in other countries. I know in United States, Federal Civil Service employees work in Washington DC or other locations in the US in a collaborative effort with Foreign Service employees abroad, under the Department of State. US civil ...
Asimpa is a Specialty Contractor that provides a variety of Construction services, Civil Construction, Federal Services, Right of Way, and Forestry services.
In the private sector, if you're caught viewing porn on company time or intimidating a co-worker, you'd probably be fired immediately; not so if you're a federal employee. A CBS News investigation looks at how hard it is for the U.S. government to discipline or fire ...
Employee contribution is 7%. The formula for maximum retirement benefits is the total of the following three-part computation: 1 1/2% X High-3 Year Average Salary X first 5 years of creditable service 1 3/4% X High-3 Year Average Salary X next 5 years of creditable service...
The Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS) is a system that provided retirement, disability, and survivor benefits for most U.S. civilian service employees working for the federal government. It was replaced in 1987 by the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS). However, employees who were o...