Here are the results of the Civil Service Exam (CSE) Professional and Subprofessional, including the list of passers and list of topnotchers.
Here are the results of the Civil Engineering Licensure Exam (CELE), including the list of passers, list of topnotchers, and performance of schools.
STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — If you want to become a firefighter, you can apply for the exam and try your shot at joining the Fire Department of New York (FDNY). The New York City Department of Citywide Administrative Services (DCAS) released the application — w...
Reminders for the Passers of Civil Service Exam November 2018 1. Individual Examination Result/Rating Through OCSERGS Examinees, both passed and failed, can generate their individual test result using the Online Civil Service Examination Result Generation System (OCSERGS) byJANUARY 25, 2019. Please ...
TOP 10 PASSERS: August 2019 Civil Service Exam Sub-Professional Level Verification of rating (OCSERGS): August 2019 Civil Service Exam Below is the complete list of successful examinees for ARMM (Basilan, Lanao del Sur, Maguindanao, Sulu, Tawi-Tawi) civil service exam (CSE-PPT) pro...
The successful examinees who garnered the ten (10) highest places in the May 2018 Civil Engineer Licensure Examination are the following: (PRC Source) Related Article:Congratulations! May 2018 Civil Engineer Board Exam Results Last May 2017, PRC releases a total of 2,514 out of 6,998 passed...