River pilots were in high demand and both sides made a practice of offering captured pilots financial incentives to change sides. Battle of New Orleans, April 24, 1862 Confederate control of the Mississippi rested on two bastions, New Orleans and its outer defense works in the south, and Fort...
“Talk is cheap, it is the way we organize and use our lives every day that tells what we believe in.”—Cesar Chavez “You must become a servant of the people. When you do, you can demand their commitment in return.”—Cesar Chavez “Nonviolence is really tough. You don’t practice...
Iain Johnson
Margaret Walker was an American novelist and poet who was one of the leading black woman writers of the mid-20th century. After graduating from Northwestern University (B.A., 1935), Walker joined the Federal Writers’ Project in Chicago, where she began
Lightweight structures comprise of actual pieces or segments that give the crucial ability to function while weighing less than other possibilities as well