The first civil rights law guaranteed equal rights under the law for all people who lived within the jurisdiction of the United States. The second guaranteed each citizen an equal right to own, inherit, rent, purchase, and sell real property as well as personal property. The third original ci...
16. “Sometimes, I am also identified as a civil rights leader or ahuman rightsactivist. I would also like to be thought of as a complex, three-dimensional, flesh-and-blood human being with a rich storehouse of experiences, much like everyone else, yet unique in my own way, much like...
Your home and your rights October 21, 2024 Whenever you encounter the police, knowing your rights is important, especially when they come to your home. Read More Free speech and the First Amendment March 17, 2024 You have the right to free speech. But you need to understand the difference...
United States - Civil Rights, Legislation, Equality: Watching these developments with forebodings, Northern Republicans during the congressional session of 1865–66 inevitably drifted into conflict with the president. Congress attempted to protect the ri
While the civil rights movement was filled with many impactful and important people, a few individuals do stick out as major players in the entire struggle, including the following three names. Rosa Parks It was a small act by 42-year-old African-American Rosa Parks that acted as a catalyst...
These rights are guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution, the Civil Rights Act and many other critically important laws. Unfortunately, authority figures are not always respectful of these rights. When civil rights are infringed, it is the job of an attorney to step in and help the victim stand...
“From before the original Roe decision, New York State has been a leader in protecting the rights of all people to make their own reproductive healthcare decisions,” State Senator Liz Krueger stated. “The majority of Americans agree that abortion is healthcare – and when abortion is on th...
TheInstitute for Justice took her caseand filed a federal civil rights lawsuit for First Amendment Retaliation. You can learn much more information about the case on the IJ’s website and view the legal filingshere. “Castle Hills officials seem to believe that they are above the law because...
The first article considered the background to the legislative changes that saw Indigenous people acquire two important civil rights at the Commonwealth level: the vote and access to social security. Here the analysis extends to consider the three other important civil rights......
CivilRightsHeroes ThurgoodMarshallwasacourageouscivilrightslawyer.HismostimportantcasewasBrownv.BoardofEducationofTopeka(1954),whichendedsegregationinpublicschools.MarshallbecamethefirstAfrican-AmericanSupremeCourtJusticeinAmericanhistory.CivilRightsHeroes JohnF.Kennedywasthe35thpresidentoftheUS.AsPresident,hetookvigorous...