Coalition of NGOs for Children and the active involvement of civil society organizations in the development of the National Plan [...] 委员会赞赏缔约国采取措施以加强民间社会组织在保护儿童权利方面的作 用,例如成立争取儿童权利的非政府组织联 盟 和 由民间 社会 组织 积极 参...
ICEInterfaith Coalition on Energy ICEI Catch Everything(college football wide receiver motto) ICEInfoChain Express(Avery Dennison) ICEInternational Cryptography Experiment(founded in 1994) ICEInstant Capacity Expansion(software) ICEInternal Consistency Evaluator(Microsoft Windows) ...
CSOColumbus Symphony Orchestra(Columbus, GA) CSOComputational Sciences and Optimization CSOCertified Specialist in Oncology Nutrition CSOChief Strategy Officer(corporate title) CSOCeská Spolecnost Ornitologická(Czech: Czech Society for Ornithology)
predicted that such religious and political "coalitions" would develop in the new Republic and that a fundamental law should be adopted to deter government and religious groups from the "tendency to a usurpation on one side or the other, or to a corrupting coalition or alliance between them."...
CCD Coalición Centroamericana Democrática (Spanish: Central Democratic Coalition; Mexico) CCD Committee on Corporate Development CCD California Conservatory of Dance (Mission Viejo, CA) CCD Central Cell Density CCD Corporate Customer Database (AAFES) CCD Client Contractual Dependency CCD Conception Coordina...
holiday and, 237; National Rainbow Coalition and, 237; Federico Pea election and, 237; Antonio Villaraigosa election and, 237; Sheila Jackson Lee and, 237–38 African Americans: civil rights movement tactics and/or goals, 2, 14, 17, 18, 35–36, 225, 249 (n. 2 展开 ...
IN THE LIGHT OF TRUTH FREEDOM FIGHTERS FOR AMERICA WORLD RADIO CONTACT: or "Yet, while denial might placate those who do not prefer to confront unpleasant facts, truth does not mold itse...
The African-AmericanCivilRightsMovement encompasses socialmovements inthe UnitedStates whosegoalsweretoend racialsegregationanddiscrimination against blackAmericans andtosecurelegalrecognitionandfederalprotectionofthecitizenshiprightscountedinthe constitutionalamendments adoptedafterthe CivilWar.Thisarticlecoversthephaseofthe...
This status dictates the entire doctrine of emergency response systems—local, state, national, and international—in charge of confronting large-scale-sudden-disasters. Every facet is geared toward coping with the unprecedented, unknown, and unfamiliar “when, where, and magnitude,” respectively. Lea...
Faith and Freedom Alliance, Protection of Conscience Project, Alliance of People With Disabilities Who are Supportive of Legal Assisted Dying Society, Conseil unitarien du Canada, Coalition pour la prévention de l'euthanasie et Euthanasia Prevention Coalition — British Columbia Intervenants Indexed as...