intended to implement the enforcement of those rights) such as voting, equitable taxation, freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly. Generally these are referred to as "civil rights" which have required constant diligence and struggle to ensure and expand, as in the Civil Rights movement ...
"My repeated point at the time was that there was no medical or other evidence to warrant introduction of a law which strips the fundamental civil rights of citizens in Western Australia. "As adults, we should be responsible for ourselves and our children, and it was wrong to deny this ...
Helen Kampion finally pursued her dream of writing for children after a career in high-tech sales. With an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Vermont College, she began writing poetry, picture books, and middle-grade novels. Helen’s interest in history and strong women led he...
[For more, see Pillar of Fire: America in the King Years 1963-65 by Taylor Branch, Simon & Schuster 1998; An Easy Burden: The Civil Rights Movement and the Transformation of America by Andrew Young, HarperCollins 1996; Walking With The Wind: A Memoir of the Movement by John Lewis with ...
The Coretta Scott King Book Awardsare given annually to outstanding African American authors and illustrators of books for children and young adults that demonstrate an appreciation of African American culture and universal human values. The award commemorates the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther Ki...
“This defendant’s abuse of law enforcement authority inside a police station was egregious and caused serious injuries,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke for the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division. “Police misconduct undermines community trust in law enforcement, and impedes ...
Who will teach the true history of the fight against human bondage and the struggle for equal rights? Who will teach about women’s fight for suffrage, equal pay, and reproductive freedom? Who will teach about the struggle of the individual to affirm their own gender identity and sexual expre...
The Romans did not develop a generalized concept of juristic personality in the sense of an entity that had rights and duties. They had no terms for a corporation or a legal person. But they did endow certain aggregations of persons with particular powers and capacities, and the underlying leg...
A picture of Mary Walker that allows us to see the furrows in her brow as she continued to stubbornly stick to her values. This book is eye-opening and brings to the forefront many women's rights issues that we may not even be aware of. ...
I tried going into federal court to assert First Amendment rights to protect proprietary schools against regulation, but lost. This was not only a loss for me, but it was a loss for education in the U.S. We have to worry about the government deciding who can teach, when they can teach...