Civil procedure /SIVIELE PROSESREG Rescission of default judgment ? grounds for rescission ? considera- tion of concept ``good reason'' in Rule 49(1) ? Phillips t/a Southern Cross Optical v SA Vision Care (Pty) Ltd 2000 2 SA 1007 This case concerns an appeal from the magistrate's ...
Magoon (1902) Reports on the law of civil government in territory subject to military occupation by the military forces of the United States: Submitted to Hon. Elihu Root, secretary of war by Charles E. Magoon, law officer, Division of insular affairs, office of the secretary, War departmen...
Reports on the Law of Civil Government in Territory Subject to Military Occupation by the Military Forces of the United States Submitted to Hon. Elihu 作者: Magoon, Charles Edward; United States Bureau of Insular Affairs,; 页数: 818ISBN: 9781144680341...
If turnover is low, the business may be exempt from VAT under the rules forsmall scale entrepreneurs. This rule applies when a business's annual turnover for the previous year does not exceed €22,000 and is not expected to exceed €50,000 in the current year. These prerequisites are la...
Martin’s death attracted national attention when local law enforcement at first did not press charges against Zimmerman, citing Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Many believed Martin's death and authorities' reluctance to prosecute Zimmerman to be racially motivated. Even Presiden...
A resident attends the mandatory coronavirus disease (COVID-19) testing at a makeshift community testing centre at Jordan, in Hong Kong, China January 19, 2021. REUTERS/Tyrone Siu HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong will extend work-from-home arrangements for civil servants by a...
if service of process upon the foreign person is made under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure or the laws of the country in which the foreign person is found, and—(A) the foreign person commits an offense under subsection (a) involving a financial transaction that occurs in whole or in...
However, due to advanced technological developments in the sedatives administered, the 48 hour adjustment period can be attributed t prescription medication given to the test subjects after the implant procedure. One of the concerns raised by R & D was the cause of the bleeding and how to ...
The flat-roof and four-slope folded plate structure is a space thin-walled structure composed of four trapezoidal plates and a rectangular plate parallel to the bottom surface, which is widely used in various engineering applications. In order to clarify the force transmission path and stress distr...
Civil disobedience is a symbolic or ritualistic violation of thelawrather than a rejection of the system as a whole. The civil disobedient, findinglegitimateavenues of change blocked or nonexistent, feels obligated by a higher, extralegal principle to break some specific law. It is because acts ...