The meaning of CIVIL is of or relating to citizens. How to use civil in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Civil. Frequently Asked Questions About civil.
How to Use Em Dashes (—), En Dashes (–) , and Hyphens (-) 'Sneaked' or 'Snuck': Which is correct? What's the difference between 'fascism' and 'socialism'? More Commonly Misspelled Words Words You Always Have to Look Up Popular in Wordplay ...
CIVIL meaning: 1 : of or relating to the people who live in a country; 2 : of or relating to the regular business of the people in a city, town, state, etc. not connected to the military or to a religion
The Detroit Metro Times reported that he taught himself criminal and civil law during his time in prison, and had since developed “a long history of challenging the judicial system” by filing multiple lawsuits. FromBBC But in practice, they are treated according to the civil law of the Stat...
Delta Payment means as it is described in this Agreement. Erroneous Payment Impacted Loans has the meaning specified therefor in Section 11.20. Public Benefits means the provision of benefits to the community by the Developer in the form and at the times specified in Schedule 3. ...
District Councilmeans a district council within the meaning of the Local Government Act (Northern Ireland) 1972(7); Superintendentmeans the Superintendent of Schools or his/her designee. County Superintendentmeans the Executive County Superintendent of Schools designated by the Department of Education for...
civil war/disturbance/unrest etc•Gandhi said the country was meaning a state ofcivil war.•We did it ourselves, without havingcivil wars.•Arisinginflationarytrendand apersistentfiscaldeficitduring 1990 wereexacerbatedby the continuingcivil warand risingpetrolprices.•The Merovingiancivil wars, at...
Definition of Civil Rights in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is Civil Rights? Meaning of Civil Rights as a legal term. What does Civil Rights mean in law?
the Rule of Law:Its History and Meaning in Common Law,Civil Law,and Latin American Judicial Systems. Nadia E Nedzel. Richmond Journal of Global Law&Business . 2010Nadia E.Nedzel.the Rule of Law:Its History and Meaning in Common Law,Civil Law,and Latin American Judicial Systems[J]....
The meaning of CIVILLY is in terms of civil rights, law, or matters. How to use civilly in a sentence.