LAWSOFGUYANA CivilLawofGuyana 3Cap.6:01 L.R.O.3/1998 CHAPTER6:01 CIVILLAWOFGUYANAACT ARRANGEMENTOFSECTIONS SECTION 1.Shorttitle. 2.(1)Interpretation. (2)Roman-Dutchterms. (3)Savingofexistingrights. 3.Alterationoflaw. (a)AbrogationofRoman-Dutchlaw. (b)IntroductionofEnglishcommonlaw. (c)Exc...
Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF or GAFI CARAÏBE, for Central America and the Caribbean, namely Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, Cayman, Costa Rica, Dominica, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Ha...
law is also influential: Scotland and the Roman-Dutch law countries (South Africa, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Sri Lanka and Guyana) Countries with codes intended to be comprehensive, such as France: it is this last category that is normally regarded as typical of civil law systems, and is discussed ...
China has decided to take a two-step legislative process to enact the civil Code: first, establishing the general part of the civil code, or the General Provisions of Civil Law; and second, following the enactment of the General Provisions of Civil Law, compiling the individual parts of ...
commonlawisalsoinfluential:ScotlandandtheRoman-Dutchlawcountries(SouthAfrica, Zambia,Zimbabwe,SriLankaandGuyana) Countrieswithcodesintendedtobecomprehensive,suchasFrance:itisthislastcategory thatisnormallyregardedastypicalof"civillaw"systems,andisdiscussedintherestofthis ...