This article attempts a critical examination of the limitation period for a fatal accident claim brought for lost support by the dependants of a deceased person under the Civil Law Act 1956 of Malaysia. It aims to demonstrate that the said limitation period has caused, or is capable of causing...
Administration of Property in Malaysia:A Civil Law and Syariah Law PerspectiveMohamed, Abdul Hamid
Insights into the Inter-relationship and the Associated Tension between Shariah and Civil Family Law in MalaysiaKamaruddin, ZalehaINSIGHTS INTO THE INTER-RELATIONSHIP AND THE ASSOCIATED TENSION BETWEEN SHARIAH AND CIVIL FAMILY LAW IN MALAYSIA. (2008), 6....
IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF MALAYSIA (APPELLATE JURISDICTION) CIVIL APPEAL NO: Q-02-1333-08/2014We heard both these appeals together in the sitting of the Court at Kuching on 21st August 2015. Having heard the submissions of the respective counsels we reserved judgement in respect of both ...
doi:10.6007/IJARBSS/V11-I3/8862Wan Amir Azlan Wan HaniffSiti Mariam AtanRahmawati Mohd YusoffRosnani Mohd SallehZulhazmi YusofHuman Resources Management Academic Research Society (HRMARS)
IN THE COURT OF APPEAL OF MALAYSIA (APPELLATE JURISDICTION) CIVIL APPEAL NO. Q-02-2628-12/20131. This is an appeal by the Appellant against the decision of the High Court in which the learned Judge found the Appellant personally liable for 4 cheques amounting to RM1,100,000.00 issued to...
(Peeples 2019). Additionally, it is widely acknowledged that neither Congress nor case law has ever determined the level of proximity in specific circumstances for the purposes of a generally applicable norm. This gives plaintiffs the opportunity to use this act to try to hold firms accountable,...