Let’s advance your career in 2025. With our licensure exam prep, you’ll have everything you need to take the next step. PE Civil Structural Exam Prep Options PPI offers updated and improved Live Online, OnDemand, and Learning Hub programs for the new 2024 PE Civil exam. For more infor...
Joshua Ogle, PE, SE is ‘The Hipster Engineer’. He is more than your average engineer and tries to find ways to give back to the profession. With his passion for engineering, Josh started TheHipsterEngineer.com to be a resource for engineers as they prepare for their licensure exams, job...
A great deal of overlap exists between these roles, but there are important distinctions that you should know about. Most contractors hire both professions in projects that can vary in scope and size. Architects are licensed through state boards, while civil engineers complete licensure exams at ei...
Additional prelicensure experience should enable a civil engineer to analyze systems of engineered works, whether traditional or emergent, for sustainable performance”. Moreover, ABET learning outcomes specify that engineering graduates should possess the “ability to recognize ethical and professional ...