If you are looking for an civil internship near me in Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, Jaipur, Mumbai, Noida, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Chennai, London, Mohali, Gurgaon, Chandigarh, Islamabad, Lahore, Nepal, Egypt, Karachi, Sri Lanka, USA, NCR, Quora, Sydney, Armenia, Toronto, Bhopal, Chandigarh, Cluj,...
The Internship Programme at Aurecon was such a rewarding experience that enabled me to grow as an engineer and as an individual. I joined the Roads team in our Sydney office, which was an area of engineering that I didn’t have much experience in at university. The majority of my time wa...
The main author would like to thank National ICT Australia for the great support to this work and during his internship, as part of the work on his diploma thesis. The authors also wish to thank the Road and Maritime Services (RMS) in New South Wales for provision of the support and tes...