Connect with an experienced civil law, insurance claim, construction defect, wrongful death attorney in Raleigh, NC Everyone deserves reliable legal representation. If you’re filing a civil appeal or a personal injury claim, reach out to the Law Offices of John M. Kirby. Attorney Kirby serves ...
Veletsos AS,Yang JY. “Earthquake response of liquid storage tanks advences in civil engineering through mechanics”. Proceedings of the second engineering mechanics specialty conference.Raleigh(NC):ASCE,1977.pp 1-24. has been cited by the following article: Article 1Department of Civil Engineering,...
A Russian CivilWarDiary: AlexisBabinein Saratov, 1917-1922. Edited by Donald J. Raleigh. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1988. xxiv, 240 pp. $29.95.doi:info:doi/10.1163/221023991X00533Peter KenezCanadian-American Slavic Studies